Large modern bronze sculpture of smoking lady
Life-Size Custom Garden Bronze Statue For Sale

Large modern bronze sculpture of smoking lady
Light glistens off of this large modern bronze sculpture of a lady reclining luxuriously across her bed, her sheets bundled comfortably underneath her, smoking her cigarette without a care in the world. We could all hope to have such relaxing days as this! A true piece of modern art, this smoking lady defies all qualities of conventional beauty, and is unconcerned with how her culture may be insisting she look or behave.
Decorate your backyard with custom bronze statue
Wrought from real bronze metal with an average thickness of 3-5mm, this large sculpture is the epitome of a person living their own life and concerning themselves with their own happiness. Evocative if not intentionally based off of the transgressive cult films of the 1970’s and 1980’s, no artistic subject has embraced the modernity of the self quite like this smoking lady sculpture.

Post time: Aug-09-2023